Marketing for Millennials-Key Trends

Millennials, or “generation Y,” is the name of the generation of young people that were born in 1985-2000 and coming into the new millennium at a young age. Today is just the beginning of the time when millennials become the largest group of consumers of goods. In the next five years, the purchasing power of the millennials is projected to increase by 133%, from 600 billion to 1 trillion dollars, so they cannot be neglected. Entrepreneurs should learn to think like millennials, or they risk being left out of business.

In this article, we will look at the major trends that shape the millennial consumer spending, as well as the most effective strategies that will enable you to build successful marketing campaigns for your business. Strategies for millennials change every day, but thanks to these advices, you can quickly adapt and keep up with your youngest and most dynamic clients.

Your customers are one of your most valuable resources. Therefore, the user content is a great opportunity to persuade the millennials to buy, especially considering the fact that this type of content works with them 50% more effective than other channels. This news may be sad for companies that still prefer traditional advertising, but excellent for brands that have already created an online community, or are only going to create it.

  1. Use the right voice in your copy.

People spend the equivalent of a full day each week on their smartphones and the digital world can be a cold place. If you want to win over the hearts of millennials, you need to have an authentic voice.

Speak to your subscribers as if you’re having a one-on-one conversation with them—write your emails for one person. Make sure to use this same type of voice throughout your other content: blog posts, social media, product descriptions, etc.

  1. Personalize as much as possible.

According to research from Accenture, 75% of customers are more likely to purchase from a brand that recognizes them by name and offers content based on previous purchases.

Personalization doesn’t end with a custom subject line. You can use a broad range of data such as behavioral tracking to provide your millennial subscribers with content that’s hyper-relevant to their needs and interests.

Gain as much information as you can about your audience. With that information, you can send out campaigns they can’t wait to read.

This email from Dollar Shave Club offers personalized product suggestions based on the customer’s current order—and even offers them as add-ons.

Image Source: Pinterest

  1. Make sure everything is optimized for mobile browsing.

More than half of all emails are opened on mobile devices. Millennials use their smartphones for all kinds of tasks during the day: finding a ride, looking for food, chatting with friends, catching up on work, and so on.

It’s absolutely crucial to optimize your emails for mobile browsing. If your emails don’t render properly on a smartphone, there’s a more than 70% chance it will be deleted within three seconds. Ouch.

Find an email service provider that offers customizable mobile-friendly templates to ensure your emails look amazing on all devices.

  1. Highlight transparency and your brand’s values.

Half of all consumers worldwide consider themselves “belief-driven” buyers who use their purchasing power to either reward or punish brands based on their values. People—especially young people—want to spend their money with brands who share their social beliefs.

You don’t need to fit into any specific mold, just identify your values and express them. It may also be a good idea to take up a pet cause that relates to your industry or brand.

The shoe company, Toms, has incorporated social change into their entire ethos. For each pair you buy, the company will donate a pair.

Image Source: Milled

  1. Reward loyalty.

According to a recent report, 38% of customers consider themselves loyal to brands they love. How do customers express their loyalty? Many said they participate in customer loyalty programs or recommend brands they love to friends and family.

Millennials are more loyal than you might think. You just need to reach them with the right content and context. Let your young customers know that you appreciate their business with special messages, coupons, VIP access, or any other creative tactic you can come up with.

  1. Experiment with interactive content.

Interactive content can help you create some of the best email marketing campaigns. Make unique emails that tempt readers into playing a game. Encourage readers to click around your email with an interactive menu.

There’s no need to go over the top with a loud color palette and buttons everywhere. You can still incorporate interactive elements into a minimalist design that engages readers by guiding them rather than overwhelming them.

This email from Tom Raffield includes interactive content in the form of a fun game. It just begs to be clicked.